المشهد اليمني
السبت 21 سبتمبر 2024 01:51 صـ 17 ربيع أول 1446 هـ
المشهد اليمني رئيس التحريرعبد الرحمن البيل

the difference between human intelligence with explanation

Artificial intelligence (AI) is a computer program that implements powerful capabilities such as perception, discretion, planning, learning and understanding. Compared to human intelligence, AI has many advantages. AI programs are very capable at mass analysis of information and creating perspectives. This will allow AI to collect large amounts of data under all circumstances and use it together to make optimal decisions.

AI is capable of repetitive processing at a much higher level than human processing power. Using predictive algorithms and likelihood probability theory, AI programs can transform simple word patterns and scenarios into complex mathematical expressions and relationships to “understand” and accelerate their complex identification. . AI can also be used to efficiently handle complex tasks in a realistic amount of time, beyond what engineers can afford.

On the other hand, AI has the following drawbacks. First, AI programs require human training. Typically, programmers have to design more complex programs to develop AI’s rich capabilities. AI programs create databases and try new actions, so programming skills need to be changed, etc.

Additionally, the AI ​​must work together once again to acquire the time impulse and grasp the big picture. Therefore, humans may not understand information accurately when they are interacting.

Finally, AI is not yet able to grasp understanding relationships, emotion relationships, etc. They can’t have “colors” like humans do.

AI technology is advancing every day, and it is believed that in the future, it will have the potential to be the best team player and work effectively with humans. Today, we are using AI to find solutions to what technology creates, operates and manages.